TC-WEB is a Software House that was born by bringing together the expertise in IT consulting and training fields of the administrator Franco Grivet Chin and his staff, to offer its growing number of clients high level, innovative solutions.
The company activities are mostly focused on Web / Mobile Application and Software design and development.Today, in a constantly growing and evolving field as IT, this include different expertise: from traditional Microsoft ASP.NET / DOTNET platforms development, to mobile development for iOS and Android based devices.
Our expertise and services are ideal to match every kind of companies and privates requests or projects: we are the Tech Partner you’ll always rely on as software developer and system integrator.
We also offer a complete and customized Technical Advice and Consultancy to realize your most ambitiou using the latest technologies, with special consideration for open source technologies.
Our goal is to ensure professionalism, expertise and attention to detail. These are the features that identify the work at TC-Web.
The core of our business is the customer and his/her needs. We aim to meet customers’ expectations with innovative and high performance solutions modelled on your specific requests.
To keep an high level of proficiency and continue expanding our knowledge, we believe in constant professional updating.
That’s why TC-Web is partner of Accademia Formaweb, a training school accredited by Regione Piemonte: through this institute we can provide professional support to young people who are facing the ICT sector. Thanks to tutoring and advanced training courses we guarantee the highest level of preparation for all of our employees.
For more information e-mail us at or call the (+39) 011 0466685.