Web App

Residential Care App

Caratteristiche: #webApp #management #residentialCare Categoria: Web App Data: 2020 The web app is designed for those companies that manage specialized residential care structures. This web application allows diversified users access for administrators and operators, each with specific clearance and activities. Operators, depending on their specialization (nurses, therapists, etc.), will fill out specific modules for each…

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Centri Diurni Web app

Caratteristiche: #webApp #mobileApp #dayCareCenter #management  Categoria: Web App Data: 2019 Centri Diurni (Day Care Centers) Software is a product designed to give support to those specialized structures that manage particular categories of users. At Day Care Centers, depending on user typology, reabilitation processes and activities are organized and managed every day. For these structures we…

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Skèdia Web App

Caratteristiche: #webApp #operations #mangement Categoria: Web App Data: 2019 The software is designed for those companies who have to handle field intervention of their operators on a daily base. This software solution allows different access for users with different competences and clearance (administration and operators). Operators will be able to access the events calendar and…

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Sito Paka showcase

New Paka Adventures website

Caratteristiche: #website #travel #booking Categoria: Website Data: 2018 Paka Adventures is a website that makes you dream of warm African lands and all the incredible areas where you can find stunning landscapes and wild nature. Thanks to this website you’ll be able to discover new places and routes designed to show you the most magical…

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UTOPIA new Website

Caratteristiche: #showcase #website #technology #innovation Categoria: Website Data: 2020 UTOPIA is a Turin based company registered as Innovative Startup since November 2019. Its core business is to innovate maintenance, training and controls processes using cutting edge technology as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. UTOPIA new website as been designed with a modern layout and massive…

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Intra ACP GCCA+ new Homepage

Caratteristiche: #Homepage #restyle #events Categoria: Website Data: 2019 The ACP (African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States) and GCCA+ (Global Climate Change Alliance Plus) intiative aims to supports ACP countries’ efforts to address climate change. Throughout cooperation and dialog between nations the project wants to better the life conditions of the population and allow ACP…

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